Thursday, February 4, 2010

Our "Winter Storm"

Colby on the "sled".

Unfortunately this is the best picture I got of Evey that day.

Our drive up.

Our house before we left, excuse the ice on the lens.
Well, the world came to a halt last Saturday morning when people in the South woke up to find snow on the ground, but not in the Tucker house. By 2pm we had the kids loaded in the car and were traveling over the river and through the woods to Grandma's house. It took a little longer than usual due to the "idiots" (Chris' word, not mine) on the road hitting a maximum speed of 20 MPH, there were times those "idiots" would get a little wild and raise the speed to 23 MPH, but for the most part they played it safe. Not to worry, Chris and his Northern roots blasted his way through the snow/ice "testing" the brakes and traction control multiple times along the way with giggles and "whoas" coming from Evey and Colby, they are their fathers children after all. We were able to get them out to play on Sunday and the kids had a blast on the skim board/snow sled, that's what happens when it snows at the beach. The weekend went pretty well without any major melt downs from myself or the kids. Dare I say, but Colby seems to be a little happier this week so hopefully the antibiotics did the trick and he won't need to get tubes in his ears...I hope I don't pay for this later. Evey picked up a few new words like "shoes" and "where it go?" Today is Friday and the week is officially over for us, and what a week it has been. Tomorrow is my first day of work in two years so say a prayer...not for me, but for the patients I will be caring for. So that's it for this week, be safe, love you all.
The Tucker's

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